Hal Gausman 回到未来 铁面无私 福禄双霸天 大白鲨4 早霜 Secrets of the Pirate's Inn 动物屋 血洒北城 魔鬼山历险记 麦克阿瑟传 Crackers 盖博与朗白 双面博士 Too Good to Be True 回到未来 Ride a Northbound Horse Those Calloways 飞天老爷车 The Monkey's Uncle 地仙号快车 It Happened One Christmas One Little Indian Kilroy The Young Don't Cry Smoke Evening in Byzantium 小鬼奇兵 格里芬历险记 电脑神童 鬼马神仙车 金龟车大闹旧金山 Return of the Big Cat Hog Wild The World's Greatest Athlete The Million Dollar Duck 有女初长成 酷猫妙妙探 欢乐满人间 黑胡鬼 D.C. Cab 寸草心 爸爸爱妈妈 铁幕情天恨 Zorro, the Avenger Ritual of Evil 恃强凌弱 Backstage Party The Jordan Chance The Biscuit Eater 魔法龙帕夫 The Whiz Kid and the Mystery at Riverton