Charles Lang Calling Philo Vance 喋血摩天岭 Sergeant Murphy 碧血洗边城 恐怖蜡像馆 午夜狼嚎 My Bill 天有不测风云 The Tanks Are Coming The Big Punch Come Fill the Cup Secrets of an Actress 俘男红粉 风流如梦 化石森林 Journal of a Crime 万世流芳 The Man Who Came to Dinner 越过森林 Women in the Wind 艳窟啼痕 Isle of Fury The Adventurous Blonde Underground An Angel from Texas 牢狱鸳鸯 A Kiss in the Dark A Ship Is Born So You Want to Hold Your Husband 心声泪影 So You're Going on a Vacation The Mysterious Doctor Love, Honor and Behave Springfield Rifle Nine Lives Are Not Enough The Great Mr. Nobody Four Mothers Lightning Strikes Twice 额外添丁 三个女人的秘密 Flight from Destiny Make Your Own Bed Nancy Drew... Trouble Shooter Shadow of a Woman George Washington Slept Here Money and the Woman The Lady and the Lug The Fighting 69th 再见,我的幻梦 So You Want to Enjoy Life So You Want to Wear the Pants So You Never Tell a Lie 一个明星的诞生 Comet Over Broadway Hotel Berlin 克努特.罗克尼