Grace Gregory 水上人家 榆树下的欲望 North West Mounted Police The Vagabond King The Party Crashers Isn't It Romantic? That Kind of Woman 飞车生死斗 逻宫大神秘 The Search for Bridey Murphy Maracaibo 银色圣诞 The Perfect Marriage Darling, How Could You! 危急时刻 九月情事 北平快车 亚马逊的宝藏 乡下姑娘 糊涂宪兵 我的朋友伊尔玛 东方惊雷 盗血英魂 我最中意的间谍 Here Come the Girls 独孤里桥之役 孺子雄心 暴劫 水上人家 蚂蚁雄兵 The Sainted Sisters 禁城喋血 陌生人之恋 我们不是天使 My Six Loves Lucy Gallant 五个便士 Suddenly It's Spring 盖世奇侠 Li'l Abner 豪侠艳姬