George Zucco 科学怪人之家 香饵钓金鳌 Midnight Manhunt 木乃伊之手 Scared to Death 巴黎圣母院 The Roof 陈查理在檀香山 花容月貌 伏都教徒 Dead Men Walk 雾岛 木乃伊之墓 木乃伊的鬼魂 The Flying Serpent Who Killed Doc Robbin? 人猿归来 黑天鹅 金偻帝后 迷雾重重 罗莎莉 Arrest Bulldog Drummond 新月 福尔摩斯在华盛顿 Moss Rose 包法利夫人 萨拉托加 福尔摩斯历险记 冒牌皇帝 Dr. Renault's Secret Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring 泰山和美人鱼 疯狂盗尸者 Shadows in the Night The Seventh Cross Week-End at the Waldorf The Black Raven 最爱金发女郎 怪兽与女孩 疯狂怪物 亚森·罗平回归 Captain Fury Dracula: A Cinematic Scrapbook Half Way to Shanghai 苏丹 Holy Matrimony Dark Streets of Cairo Secret Service Investigator 完美的犯罪 Harbor of Missing Men The Magnificent Fraud The Imperfect Lady 旧情难却 London by Night Terror in the Pharaoh's Tomb Parnell Fast Company 时代儿女 翠凤飞龙 礼帽回归 Here I Am a Stranger 海上之魂 苏伊士运河 Autumn Crocus The First Legion Vacation from Love 恐怖的所有 Hold That Blonde! Madame X 长胜将军 土宫秘密 猫与金丝雀 The Man from Toronto The Lady Is Willing The Midshipmaid The Good Companions The Man Who Could Work Miracles Road House 风流海盗 Flame Of Stamboul Never a Dull Moment 国际小姐 Confidential Agent 大卫与拔示巴 What’s in a Name? It's a Bet The Common Round Sinner Take All What Happened Then? Dreyfus 红衣新娘 明日瞭望塔 The Firefly Something Always Happens Lord Jeff Doom of Dracula 秘密花园 绝代艳后 圣女贞德 There Goes the Bride