Ronald Davidson Zanzabuku 傅满洲之鼓 Drums of Fu Manchu D-Day on Mars Sakima and the Masked Marvel Zorro's Fighting Legion 政府特工与幽灵军团 Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe Mysterious Doctor Satan Dick Tracy's G-Men Daughter of Don Q 美国队长 导弹怪兽 Across The Rio Grande 隐形怪物 Federal Operator 99 Daredevils of the Red Circle Man with the Steel Whip King of the Carnival 来自火星的外星人 Spy Smasher 紫怪来袭 Manhunt of Mystery Island The Masked Marvel Desperadoes of the West King of the Texas Rangers The Phantom Rider Adventures of Red Ryder Black Hills Ambush 从月球来的雷达人 Panther Girl of the Kongo G-men vs. the Black Dragon Daredevils of the Clouds Range Renegades Torpedo of Doom Courtin' Trouble Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders The Young and the Brave Satan's Satellites Roaring Westward The Lone Ranger Rides Again SOS Coast Guard Perils of Nyoka The Crimson Ghost Cowboy Cavalier Son of Zorro Don Daredevil Rides Again The Lone Ranger Daredevils of the West Hi-Yo Silver King of the Mounties Triggerman The Fighting Ranger Range Justice The Painted Stallion Jungle Girl 外太空僵尸 Manhunt of Mystery Island 惊奇队长的奇妙冒险 Συνωμοσία στη Μεσόγειο Jungle Drums of Africa Trader Tom of the China Seas King of the Forest Rangers Secret Service In Darkest Africa