Jonathan Haze 雷霆之怒 恐怖古堡 恐怖小店 异星来客 异形征服世界 海底来的怪物 Naked Paradise 世界终结之日 血浴 Carnival Rock 维京出逃记 Stakeout on Dope Street Teenage Cave Man Apache Woman Gunslinger Ghost of the China Sea Forbidden Island 霍华德 迪克·米勒那家伙 Invisible Mom II Monster Madness: Mutants, Space Invaders, and Drive-Ins 电睛怪客 Bayou 伊甸园之东 Swamp Women Five Guns West The Oklahoma Woman 美国那条黑街 Rock All Night The Phantom Eye 情人节大屠杀 科曼的世界 痴呆 Invasion of the Star Creatures Another Nice Mess 11th Victim 冷酷媒体 冷酷媒体 冷酷媒体 千眼怪兽 Female Jungle Invasion of the Star Creatures 雷霆之怒 过早埋葬 77 Sunset Strip Dragnet I Led Three Lives Navy Log Cimarron City The Angry Beavers