J. Christian Ingvordsen Fort Doom Bog Creatures Blood Relic Cyber Vengeance Hangmen Misfire: The Rise and Fall of the Shooting Gallery Absolute Aggression Tar Pit Dreamkatcher Shocktroop The Little Patriot Comrades in Arms Wrack Airboss IV: The X Factor Airboss II: Preemptive Strike Airboss III: The Payback Strike Zone Airboss Covert Action Firehouse Blue Vengeance Search and Destroy B.F.D. The Outfit Blackout Airboss Airboss Airboss Bog Creatures Fort Doom Blood Relic Blood Relic Cyber Vengeance Cyber Vengeance Cyber Vengeance Hangmen Hangmen Absolute Aggression Blue Vengeance Blue Vengeance Mob War The Outfit Firehouse Shocktroop Covert Action The Little Patriot Foxhole Comrades in Arms Model Behavior Search and Destroy Blue Vengeance Airboss IV: The X Factor Airboss IV: The X Factor Airboss IV: The X Factor Blackout Wrack Cyber Vengeance Tar Pit Tar Pit Airboss II: Preemptive Strike Airboss III: The Payback Strike Zone Strike Zone Strike Zone Bog Creatures Absolute Aggression Absolute Aggression Covert Action Covert Action Firehouse Firehouse Airboss III: The Payback Airboss III: The Payback Shocktroop Huntress Huntress Dreamkatcher Dreamkatcher Dreamkatcher Fort Doom Fort Doom Airboss II: Preemptive Strike Airboss II: Preemptive Strike The Stuff The Outfit Heart The Little Patriot The Little Patriot