E. Lloyd Sheldon La figlia della jungla A Branded Soul La morte in vacanza Le vie della città Il castigo The Glass Key Arizona Bound Cradle Song The White Moll Conscience King of the Jungle Flaming Waters Search for Beauty Her Wedding Night All Woman Dawn of the East Dawn of the East Bride 13 Marriages Are Made The Web of Desire Illusion When a Woman Sins The Forbidden Path The Weakness of Man L'allegra brigata The Honeymoon False Gods Beyond the Blue Horizon The Challenge of the Law Law of the Lawless Aloma of the South Seas The Woman from Moscow Barbed Wire Hotel Imperial Loves of an Actress The Rough Riders L'avamposto Murders in the Zoo I figli del divorzio Nevada La ragazza del West I figli del divorzio I Milioni della manicure Out of the Night Volo nella bufera La porta segreta Murder at the Vanities International Lady L'allegra brigata La ragazza del West Cosetta A Fallen Idol If I Were King The Primal Law The Glimpses of the Moon Ali La via lattea Sins of the Fathers White Woman Marriage for Convenience The Plaything of Broadway Each Pearl a Tear You'd Be Surprised The Key to Power The Half-Way Girl