Kong: The Animated Series - Season 1 Episode 32 The Invisible Threat

Kong: The Animated Series
An invisible man lands on Kong Island and steals the Primal Stone of Antimatter. The thief rendezvous with Professor De La Porta's submarine and becomes visible revealing he to be a young teenager named Guo. Ramone takes the Stone and pushes Guo into the water to drown, but Jason who has merged with Kong rescues him. Guo tells our heroes that his tribe lives in the Amazon and are descendents of the ancient Atlanteans like Lua. Jason, Tann, Lua, and Kong travel with Guo to the Amazon to find that Ramone is forcing Guo's tribe to give him the secret of invisibility. Ramone's men capture Tann and Lua and Guo. Kong and Jason rescue them just as Ramone becomes invisible and Cyber-merges with a jungle spider monkey. Kong and Jason cautiously stalk the giant, invisible mutant through the ancient Atlantean ruins. De La Porta nearly kills them several times with invisible ambushes until they manage to defeat him.
TitleKong: The Animated Series - Season 1 Episode 32 The Invisible Threat
Genre, ,
Studio, , ,
Cast, , , , ,
Alternative Titles
First Air DateSep 09, 2000
Last Air dateAug 18, 2001
Season1 Season
Episode40 Episode
Runtime30:22 minutes
IMDb: 6.80/ 10 by 6.00 users
