One day, Kinpachi Sensei receives an urgent call for help from a former student. The young man's mother is on a drunken rampage. Kinpachi succeeds in straightening things out, but on his way home he is preoccupied with thoughts of his young son, who is a student at his school. Suddenly, he is attacked by a group of middle school students...!
Title | Mr. Kinpachi in Class 3B - Season 0 Episode 9 Save the Children! Adults, Stand Up! |
Year | 2008 |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Japan |
Studio | TBS |
Cast | Tetsuya Takeda, Mari Hoshino, Yasuomi Sano, Masayuki Suzuki, Junpei Morita, Akio Kaneda |
Crew | Mieko Osanai (Story) |
Alternative Titles | Mr. Kinpachi in Class 3B, 3-nen B-gumi Kinpachi-sensei, Kinpachi-sensei, Kinpachi Sensei |
Keyword | |
First Air Date | Oct 26, 1979 |
Last Air date | Mar 20, 2008 |
Season | 8 Season |
Episode | 173 Episode |
Runtime | 46:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 7.00/ 10 by 1.00 users |
Popularity | 41.139 |
Language | Japanese |