Mac Murphy takes charge as manager of a struggling fictional Third Division football club, Dunmore United. The series follows a group of young supporters of the club whose day-to-day troubles included attempts to set up a junior supporter's club and clubhouse within the stadium.
- 1. Episode 11983-03-09
- 2. Episode 21983-03-10
- 3. Episode 31983-03-16
- 4. Episode 41983-03-17
- 5. Episode 51983-03-23
- 6. Episode 61983-03-24
- 7. Episode 71983-03-30
- 8. Episode 81983-03-31
- 9. Episode 91983-04-06
- 10. Episode 101983-04-07
- 11. Episode 111983-04-13
- 12. Episode 121983-04-14