Ojamajo Doremi - Season 4

Ojamajo Doremi
Ojamajo Doremi, known as Magical DoReMi internationally, is a magical girl anime television series created by Toei Animation in 1999. It focuses on elementary school students who become witch apprentices. Led by Doremi Harukaze, the girls must maintain their double lives in secret. Ojamajo Doremi has been followed up by three direct sequels, lasting until its end in 2003. During the television series' runtime, two companion films were released in theaters. The English dub, produced by 4Kids Entertainment, released a preview episode in the US airing on August 13, 2005, and the first episode on September 10, 2005.
TitleOjamajo Doremi - Season 4
Genre, , , ,
Cast, , , , ,
Crew, , , ,
Alternative TitlesLa màgica DoReMi, 小魔女DoReMi, Ojamajo Doremi, 꼬마 마법사 레미, 오자마녀 도레미, 小魔女DoReMi, Magical DoReMi, Bothersome Witch Doremi
Keyword, , , ,
First Air DateFeb 07, 1999
Last Air dateDec 11, 2004
Season5 Season
Episode216 Episode
Runtime25:14 minutes
IMDb: 8.40/ 10 by 93.00 users