In the near future, much of the world has been forgotten at the bottom of the ocean due to rising sea levels. Natsuki Ikaruga, who lives in a small town surrounded and stranded by the sea, is invited by a mysterious woman, Catherine, to search for a treasure in his grandmother's house who was a marine geologist. One day, he dives to the bottom of the ocean in a submarine and encounters a mysterious capsule with a girl sleeping inside. The girl was a humanoid so sophisticated that she could be mistaken for a human.
- 1. To the Cradle in the Ocean2024-07-14
- 2. A Warm View Together2024-07-21
- 3. Hitman Small Fry School2024-07-28
- 4. Crabs and Electricity Are Important2024-08-04
- 5. Smiling Under the Night Light2024-08-11
- 6. The Song Inside My Head2024-08-18
- 7. Toaster on a Date2024-08-25
- 8. The Rippling Night Has Come2024-09-01
- 9. A Leg Falling into the Abyss2024-09-08
- 10. Eventually When the Rain Stops2024-09-15
- 11. The End of Summer and Your Sound2024-09-22
- 12. A Ticket to the Place We Promised2024-09-29
- 13. Stop, Time... You Are Beautiful2024-10-06