A BBC anthology series featuring adaptations of detective stories over 45 episodes in three seasons that ran from 1964 to 1969. As with many BBC programmes made before the early 1970s, many of its episodes no longer exist. Of the eighteen episodes from the first season only twelve are currently known to exist; likewise six of the sixteen editions from the second run are considered lost, and just one of the final ten survives in the archives.
- 1. Prisoner's Plea1969-09-07
- 2. The Singing Sands1969-09-14
- 3. The Public School Murder1969-09-21
- 4. Put Out The Light1969-09-28
- 5. The Tea-Leaf1969-10-05
- 6. Hunt The Peacock1969-10-12
- 7. Elimination Round1969-10-19
- 8. And So To Murder1969-10-26
- 9. The Poisoners1969-11-02
- 10. Mr Guppy's Tale1969-11-09