The show revolves around Alice De Raey, a young criminal lawyer thrown into a justice system bursting at the seams. She encounters an endless procession of characters-ranging from the truly desperate to the wonderfully bizarre. Alice, with a good-natured openness that cloaks a tenacious, committed spirit, finds herself on a journey that constantly tests her patience and compassion.
Title | This Is Wonderland - Season 1 Episode 1 |
Year | 2006 |
Genre | Drama, Comedy |
Country | Canada |
Studio | CBC Television |
Cast | Cara Pifko, Michael Healey, Michael Riley, Siu Ta, Michael Murphy, Tom Rooney |
Crew | Michael Prupas (Executive Producer), Thom J. Pretak (Producer), Dani Romain (Executive Producer), Dani Romain (Producer), George F. Walker (Executive Producer), Bernard Zukerman (Executive Producer) |
Alternative Titles | |
Keyword | toronto, canada, lawyer, courtroom, criminal lawyer |
First Air Date | Jan 12, 2004 |
Last Air date | Mar 15, 2006 |
Season | 3 Season |
Episode | 39 Episode |
Runtime | 44:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 9.00/ 10 by 1.00 users |
Popularity | 27.524 |
Language | English |