Travel Sick was a British hybrid comedy-travel television series that originally aired on Bravo from 2001 to 2002. It placed UK writer Grub Smith in a different region of the world in each episode. In each destination, he was asked to complete five undesirable challenges posed by the show's producers. If he failed a challenge, he was forced to perform something unpleasant called a "forfeit". The more he failed, the worse the "forfeit" at the end of the show became.
The series has also aired on Comedy Central in the United States.
- 3. Morocco2001-01-08
- 5. Philippines2001-01-29
- 6. Cambodia2001-02-05
- 8. New Zealand2001-02-19
- 9. Australia2001-02-26
- 10. Tennessee2001-03-01
- 11. New Orleans2001-03-12
- 12. Los Angeles2001-03-19
- 13. Jamaica2001-03-26
- 15. Germany2001-04-09