Hayata is a member of the Science Patrol, an organization tasked with investigating bizarre anomalies. He is mortally wounded when accidently encountering an alien being from Land of Light, who grants Hayata new life as the two are merged into one. Now, whenever a threat arises that is too great for the Science Patrol to handle, Hayata activates the beta capsule and becomes the hero known as Ultraman.
- 1. Ultra Operation No. 11966-07-17
- 2. Defeat the Invaders!1966-07-24
- 3. Sally Forth, Science Patrol!1966-07-31
- 4. 5 Seconds Before The Big Explosion!1966-08-07
- 5. Treasure of the Miloganda1966-08-14
- 6. The Coast Guard Command1966-08-21
- 7. The Blue Stone of Baradhi1966-08-28
- 8. The Lawless Monster Zone1966-09-04
- 9. Operation: Lightning Speed1966-09-11
- 10. The Mysterious Dinosaur Base1966-09-18
- 11. The Ruffian from Outer Space1966-09-25
- 12. The Cries of the Mummy1966-10-02
- 13. Oil S.O.S.1966-10-09
- 15. The Terrifying Cosmic Rays1966-10-23
- 16. The Science Patrol to Outer Space1966-10-30
- 17. Passport to Infinity1966-11-06
- 18. The Brother from Another Planet1966-11-11
- 19. The Demons Once More1966-11-20
- 20. Terror on Route 871966-11-27
- 21. Break Through the Smoke!1966-12-04
- 22. The Underground Destruction Work1966-12-11
- 23. My Home is Earth1966-12-18
- 24. The Undersea Science Base1966-12-25
- 25. Mystery Comet Tsuifon1967-01-01
- 26. Monster Majesty (1)1967-01-08
- 27. Monster Majesty (2)1967-01-15
- 28. Human Specimens 5 & 61967-01-22
- 29. A Challenge to the Underground1967-01-29
- 30. The Snowy Mountain of Illusions1967-02-05
- 31. Who Has Come?1967-02-12
- 32. The Endless Counterattack1967-02-19
- 33. The Forbidden Words1967-02-26
- 34. Gift From the Sky1967-03-05
- 35. The Monster Graveyard1967-03-12
- 36. Don't Shoot, Arashi!1967-03-19
- 37. The Little Hero1967-03-26
- 38. The Spaceship Rescue Command1967-04-02
- 39. Farewell, Ultraman!1967-04-09