Des O'Connor Tonight is a British variety chat show hosted by comedian and singer Des O'Connor. It was originally broadcast on the BBC from 1977 until 1982, where it then moved to ITV in 1983 starting on 1 November and ran until 24 December 2002 after it was axed by ITV after nearly 26 years on air.
- 1. Episode 11995-12-13
- 2. Episode 21995-12-20
- 3. Episode 31995-12-27
- 4. Episode 41996-01-03
- 5. Episode 51996-01-17
- 6. Episode 61996-01-24
- 7. Episode 71996-01-31
- 8. Episode 81996-02-07
- 9. Episode 91996-03-13