Everyman is a British television documentary series that aired on BBC One in a late-night slot on Sunday evenings between 1977 and 2005. Its subject matter tended to be focused on moral and religious issues, often in the form of a film in which individuals would discuss their thoughts. One edition from 1990, A Game of Soldiers concerned a group of soldiers exploring their feelings about being trained to kill. Throughout much of its time on air, series of Everyman aired alternately with Heart of the Matter, a debate series which featured somewhat similar topics. Both series were cancelled in the 2000s after the BBC revamped the output of its religious programming.
Title | Everyman - Season 1 |
Year | 1977 |
Genre | Documentary |
Country | |
Studio | BBC One |
Cast | |
Crew | |
Alternative Titles | |
Keyword | |
First Air Date | Apr 10, 1977 |
Last Air date | Sep 18, 1977 |
Season | 3 Season |
Episode | 2 Episode |
Runtime | 26:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 0.00/ 10 by 0.00 users |
Popularity | 1.423 |
Language |