Pokémon - Season 6 Episode 6 A Poached Ego!

Our heroes are headed for Rustboro City, where Ash hopes to have his first real gym battle in Hoenn. Team Rocket is making their way along the same path when they stumble upon a cage full of Ekans. Jessie is delighted that their work has been done for them and orders Arbok to attack. Arbok can't manage to attack the helpless Ekans, however, because it remembers when it used to be an Ekans. Jessie is sympathetic. James soon makes a similar concession when they find a cage of Koffing that Wheezing will not hurt. The cages belong to a poacher named Rico who uses his Fearrow and Pupitar to chase off Team Rocket. Team Rocket returns to the scene, now hoping to free the Ekans and Koffing. Things turn dangerous when Rico's Pupitar evolves into a Tyrannitar, and Team Rocket is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice for the Pokémon that they love.
TitlePokémon - Season 6 Episode 6 A Poached Ego!
Genre, ,
Studio, , , , ,
Cast, , ,
Alternative TitlesSérie Jornadas de Mestre Pokémon, 宠物小精灵, 神奇宝贝, 精灵宝可梦 太阳&月亮, 精灵宝可梦XY&Z, 精灵宝可梦 超级愿望, 精灵宝可梦 钻石&珍珠, 精灵宝可梦 橘子群岛篇, 精灵宝可梦 金银篇, 精灵宝可梦超世代, 精灵宝可梦XY, 精灵宝可梦 旅途, 宝可梦, 精灵宝可梦, 寵物小精靈, Pokémon: Los sorprendentes anillos de Hoopa, Pokémon XY : Méga Évolution, Pokémon : Les Îles Orange, Pokémon : La Ligue Indigo, Pokémon : Voyage à Johto, 精靈寶可夢, 寵物小精靈, Pokémonmester: Utazás - A sorozat, ポケモン, Pocket Monsters, ポケットモンスター XY, ポケットモンスター(2019年版), ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール, ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ, ポケットモンスター(青無印), ポケットモンスター XY&Z, ポケットモンスター サン&ムーン, ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション, ポケットモンスター めざせポケモンマスター, ぼくたちピチューブラザーズ・パーティはおおさわぎ!のまき, Poketto Monsutā: Mezase Pokemon Masutā, 포켓몬, 포켓몬스터 베스트위시, 포켓몬스터 DP, 포켓몬스터 XY&Z, 포켓몬스터W, 포켓몬스터 썬&문, 포켓몬스터 XY, 포켓몬스터 AG, 포켓몬스터W: 아득히 먼 푸른 하늘, 포켓몬스터W: 내 꿈은 포켓몬마스터, 포켓몬스터 금은편: 은빛산 이야기, Pocket Monsters Episode: Gold & Silver: Stories from Mt. Silver, โปเกมอน เจอร์นีย์ เดอะ ซีรีส์, โปเกมอน ซันแอนด์มูน, โปเกมอน XY, โปเกมอน เอกซ์วาย, โปเกมอน เอ็กป์ วาย, 神奇寶貝, Pokémon the Series, Pokémon the Series: The Beginning, Pokémon the Series: Gold and Silver, Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, Pokémon the Series: XY, Pokémon Journeys: The Series, Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon, Pokémon the Series: Black & White, Pokémon: Battle Frontier, Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series, Pokémon: BW Adventures in Unova, Pokémon: BW Adventures in Unova and Beyond, Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon - Ultra Adventures, Pokémon the Series: XYZ, Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series, Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest, Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles, Pokémon Advanced, Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors, Pokémon: Black & White, Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands, Pokémon: Advanced Challenge, Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies, Pokémon: DP Battle Dimension, Pokémon: Master Quest, Pokémon: The Johto Journeys, Pokémon: Johto League Champions, Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon - Ultra Legends, Pokémon: Indigo League, Pokémon: Advanced Battle, Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon, Pichu Bros. in Party Panic!, Pokémon: To Be a Pokémon Master, Pokémon: To Be a Pokémon Master: Ultimate Journeys: The Series, Bảo Bối Thần Kì Pokémon
Keyword, , , , , , ,
First Air DateApr 01, 1997
Last Air dateMar 24, 2023
Season25 Season
Episode1235 Episode
Runtime26:14 minutes
IMDb: 7.91/ 10 by 1,923.00 users


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