In the countryside village of Asahigaoka, a fifth grade elementary school girl named Hotaru Ichijou moves in from the city and transfers into the village’s branch school, which consists of only four other students; a first grader named Renge Miyauchi and three middle school siblings, Natsumi, Komari and Suguru Koshigaya, along with their teacher, Renge’s older sister Kazuho. After school, Renge invites Hotaru and the others to her house, where she shows off her pet tanuki. The next day, the girls take Hotaru to a blooming cherry blossom tree to eat their sakuramochi, though they end up missing the bus home on the way back.
Title | Non Non Biyori - Season 1 Episode 1 A New Transfer Student Came |
Year | 2021 |
Genre | Animation, Comedy |
Country | Japan |
Studio | TV Tokyo |
Cast | Kotori Koiwai, Rie Murakawa, Ayane Sakura, Kana Asumi |
Crew | Hideki Furukawa (Lead Animator), Hiroki Tamura (Music Producer), Keisuke Katayama (Prop Designer), Taiki Akasaka (Producer), Terushige Yoshie (Producer), Kento Shintani (Assistant Director) |
Alternative Titles | Non Non Biyori, Non Non Biyori Repeat, のんのんびより 沖縄へ行くことになった, のんのんびより りぴーと OAD, Non Non Biyori Nonstop, Non Non Biyori Non Stop, のんのんびより のんすとっぷ, 논논비요리 논스톱, Глухомань, Деревня, Прекрасные деньки, สาวใสหัวใจบ้านทุ่ง, Нон нон бійорі, Безтурботні часи 2, Безтурботні часи: Нонстоп, Безтурботні часи 3, Безтурботні часи: На біс |
Keyword | country life, friendship, slice of life, school, based on manga, school life, heart warming, seinen, shoujo-ai, anime, iyashikei |
First Air Date | Oct 07, 2013 |
Last Air date | Mar 29, 2021 |
Season | 3 Season |
Episode | 36 Episode |
Runtime | 24:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 7.80/ 10 by 82.00 users |
Popularity | 44.849 |
Language | Japanese |